
Easy Step.

For those who love to walk and want to lose weight or tone themselves up. This is not intensive training, but very effective. Lose weight easily, tone your muscles, become flexible, open your lungs and smile at the sun.

The course is designed to help you lose weight, improve your emotional and physical well-being, and achieve beautiful posture. You will learn to move correctly and beautifully (this is walking of 2 types), breathe, meditate (manifestation), relieve stress and also gain the energy so necessary to achieve your goals.

Essential oils are our assistants: detox, cleansing of the aura.. Numerology to achieve the goal 30 minute lecture and introduction to the course. We can add heels (adults) if desired.

If you follow my system, you will feel how not easy it is, but at the same time how great it is. Before I start moving, I do a warm-up for about 5 minutes. Individual lessons can be arranged.

The course is designed for 2 months, 8 lessons per month. There are no more than 10 people in the group.

This course is suitable for both adults (men and women) as well as teenagers and children.

For any questions, please email


Basic course $30 per hour, twice a week for a minimum of 4 months. $240 per month. Group size from 10 to 15 people. Walking in heels and without, basics of acting, camera work, social etiquette, interview skills, fashion runway skills, yoga, meditation. Essential oils as helpers - just a few simple practices. 

This course is designed for those who are willing to dedicate themselves to achieving success in life. For those involved in competitions, working at exhibitions, the fashion industry, or those who want to be in the spotlight.

For any questions, please email




Social Lioness. Intensive course - 2 months, $75 per hour, 8 hours in the first month $600; second month 8 hours $400. 

The first month focuses on the basics: learning to walk elegantly in heels and flats, moving gracefully, standing, sitting, looking, turning, stopping... It also includes warm-ups to improve coordination of movements and strengthen muscles, meditation (expanding consciousness). Basics of modeling. Essential oils are our helpers - just a few simple practices. 

In the second month, we refine skills, add high heels, work on peripheral vision, basics of stage artistry and camera work. Practicing various turns, adding stance variations. Also, proper walking, meditation. How to behave at events and presentations. Essential oils are our helpers - just a few simple practices. 

From the 3rd month, the lessons will cost $30 per hour if the group consists of at least 10 people. 

For any questions, please email


Дополнительные классы только на русском языке.

Это важно знать. Вы можете взять эти практики как дополнительные занятия или взять эти практики как основные занятия и добавить как дополнительные, например: курс Легкая походка или  Светская львица. Я вынесла определенные практики как дополнительные к основным занятиям, так как не все хотят заниматься Эзотерикой. Не всем нужно выходить замуж так многие уже замужем, не всем нужно готовиться к свадьбе и не каждый собирается покупать дом...У вас есть хороший выбор классов, для того что бы понять мир и быть успешным в нем. Удачи.

Будь неотразимой и соблазнительной Курс 10 часов. Походка на низком каблуке и на высоком. Боковой взгляд, умение стоять, сидеть, носить вечернюю одежду. Умение привлечь к себе внимание. Масла афродизиаки. Медитация, визуализация, чтение и разбор ситуации. Основы сценического искусства. Креативная Нумерология. Урок на укрепление мышц нижнего таза. Привлечение сексуальной энергии.


Готовлю к конкурсам красоты Курс 10 часов.


Стань Профессональной Манекенщицей. Курс от 20 до 50 часов, $30 - $50 час.
